Friday, January 22, 2016


Glass: Martini
Garnish: Lemon Twist

45ml Scotch
30ml Red Vermouth
15ml Pomegranate liqueur
15ml Cherry Heering
30ml Cranberry juice

Stir all ingredients vigorously over ice and serve immediately.

Two vast and trunkless legs of stone stand in the desert...

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Rhapsody in Red

Glass: Red wine glass
Garnish: Lime wedge

60ml Vodka
30ml Dry Red Wine
30ml Lime Juice
5ml Monin Passionfruit syrup
teaspoon St Dalfour Raspberry Jam
splash of Chambord

Half fill a Red wine glass with ice and put the lime wedge and straws into it.

Shake all ingredients except the Chambord over ice and pour into the wine glass. Splash the Chambord liberally on top.

I've used a Pepperjack Shiraz as the wine base for a dry, spicy drink. Replace the red wine with a rose' or a sweet white (I've used Happs Late Picked Semillon for sheer deliciousness) and you have a "Rhapsody in Pink" or "Rhapsody in White" respectively.

Inspired by a creation from Kazuki Gato, Hard Rock Cafe mixologist and BARocker 2015 Champion.